Best Collection of Stories & Discovery - Discovery Reading Bundle (P5/P6)


Journey into the realm of imagination with award winning stories from CRICKET magazine; travel the globe and learn about other cultures with FACES and satisfy your curiosity on the mysteries of the universe with MUSE magazine.

Challenge children's minds and inspire a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them! Enjoy a bundle of 12 copies of exciting educational reads to Build language skills, Stimulate creativity, and Feed curiosity!

Readers will receive 4 issues of each magazine for a holistic reading and learning journey.


Year of Pub
No. of Pages
Cricket Media
No. of Issues

Please note that some of the publications you subscribed may not have any refund policy.

  • For any refunds given by publishers, there will be an administrative charge of 10% of your purchase value.
  • We will refund based on the recommendations of respective publishers on undelivered issues.
  • Kindly allow 6-8 weeks to complete refunds.

Journey into the realm of imagination with award winning stories from CRICKET magazine; travel the globe and learn about other cultures with FACES and satisfy your curiosity on the mysteries of the universe with MUSE magazine.

Challenge children's minds and inspire a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them! Enjoy a bundle of 12 copies of exciting educational reads to Build language skills, Stimulate creativity, and Feed curiosity!

Readers will receive 4 issues of each magazine for a holistic reading and learning journey.


Year of Pub
No. of Pages
Cricket Media
No. of Issues

Please note that some of the publications you subscribed may not have any refund policy.

  • For any refunds given by publishers, there will be an administrative charge of 10% of your purchase value.
  • We will refund based on the recommendations of respective publishers on undelivered issues.
  • Kindly allow 6-8 weeks to complete refunds.