Tamilcube Primary 3 / Primary 4 Tamil Oral guide
Based on the latest MOE syllabus, this book contains several Tamil oral practice pictures and videos with sample answers in text as well in audio format. Sample Tamil reading passages in text and audio are also provided. Also includes Tamil listening comprehension practice with audio instructions. Suitable for P3, P4 .
Returns can be made within 7 days of purchase. Only unopened items in their original condition will be accepted. Arrangements will however have to be made to return the items to the company’s registered address.
Based on the latest MOE syllabus, this book contains several Tamil oral practice pictures and videos with sample answers in text as well in audio format. Sample Tamil reading passages in text and audio are also provided. Also includes Tamil listening comprehension practice with audio instructions. Suitable for P3, P4 .
Returns can be made within 7 days of purchase. Only unopened items in their original condition will be accepted. Arrangements will however have to be made to return the items to the company’s registered address.