
Brainy Fun for Curious Kids

MUSE is the science and arts magazine for kids that’s spot on with the facts and off the wall with the jokes. Kids who can't help wondering whether video games really kill their brain cells, or what a gentleman ladybug is called, will find the answers here, in articles written by award-winning authors and accompanied by high-quality illustration and photography.

  • Parents' Choice Gold Award Winner in 2020
  • Adventures in science, technology, and the arts
  • Perfect for curious kids ages 9 to 14
  • 3 issues - sampler pack (random issues), images are samples only
  • 100% ad-free

Price include local postage.

>> for subscription, click here.

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Brainy Fun for Curious Kids

MUSE is the science and arts magazine for kids that’s spot on with the facts and off the wall with the jokes. Kids who can't help wondering whether video games really kill their brain cells, or what a gentleman ladybug is called, will find the answers here, in articles written by award-winning authors and accompanied by high-quality illustration and photography.

  • Parents' Choice Gold Award Winner in 2020
  • Adventures in science, technology, and the arts
  • Perfect for curious kids ages 9 to 14
  • 3 issues - sampler pack (random issues), images are samples only
  • 100% ad-free

Price include local postage.

>> for subscription, click here.

Please indicate your preference:

  1. Receive first issue as soon as possible (latest issue that have available now), or
  2. Wait for 8-12 weeks for the next latest release
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Please note that some of the publications you subscribed may not have any refund policy.

  • For any refunds given by publishers, there will be an administrative charge of 10% of your purchase value.
  • We will refund based on the recommendations of respective publishers on undelivered issues.
  • Kindly allow 6-8 weeks to complete refunds.